Those times when it appears that the world is completely falling apart are those times when the precious seeds of the Word of God receive life-giving water which tenderizes our hearts.
Once upon a time, there was a young man of seventeen who lived with his mother, father, and brothers and sister. He was a good fellow, but he had very little time, or need, for God. Or so he thought.
It was the most difficult year of his life in school. Not only was he being picked on mercilessly because of a bad acne problem, he was also having trouble with his classes. Although he was highly intelligent, his grades were poor because he could hardly concentrate on his lessons. But all of that paled in comparison to the tidal wave of trouble that came crashing down on him one day after school.
Arriving home one day, he saw his mother sitting at the dining room table. Sitting. She never does that! He thought to himself when he came in the door. He stopped and gaped at her. It seemed to take her forever to turn a weary, care-worn face to him.
"Mom!" he blurted out. "Is something wrong?"
Her face contorted, and she slowly told him. "I was at the doctor's today," she said wearily. "I have cancer. I have about a year to live."
The massive wave struck with all its fury, driving him up to his room.
The next few months went by in a blur. Doctor's visits, reports, surgery, radiation. Why, God, why?? He cried. Why my mother??
The Heavens were brass, and his heart ached. He simply couldn't imagine life without her.
He didn't realize it at the time, but God needed to use a forceful wave to reach his heart. Through the months that followed, the water from that tide continued to soak into his heart, and penetrate like nothing else could. For the first time in his life, he began to realize that he needed God.
Seeds were planted through the monstrous surge that began to take root. Slowly, almost miraculously, his mother began to get better, and within the next few months they were relieved to hear the words, "Cancer-free!" Oh, could any words be more wonderful?? He wondered. Soon he would know.
The Lord showed his love to him in many special ways in the aftermath of the wave, and the young man sought God. He needed God. God was real, and He loved him. Slowly, carefully at first, the young man began to crave after the presence of Lord.
It was through this experience, in combination with the Word of God and a sensitivity to Him, that this young man came to know Christ. His bedroom, which was before a sanctuary from the fury of the tempest, became the place of rest and peace for eternity. He got saved a few months before his eighteenth birthday, and life has never been the same!
I must add that all of us who know him well have benefitted from the effects of that tidal wave. In fact, the ripple effects are felt all over the country as the young man, who has grown up, married and has a family, preaches the wonderful love of our Savior all over the country.
Who is this young man, you're wondering?
He's now my husband, and I'm thankful that my mother-in-law is the perfect picture of health today!
…and they all lived happily ever after!