Thursday, October 5, 2006

Busy times

Never fear; I haven’t forgotten – Has Your Son Asked Yet Part 2 will be forthcoming!

We have been traveling, and are having revival meetings this week. It makes for a very busy day when we have school during the day, prepare all the kiddos (baths, etc.) every afternoon, and meetings during the evening.

The Lord has been gracious in allowing us to sing and preach (my husband, of course,) this week. My Beloved is preaching on the Potter and the Clay – a series of 3 parts.

In the meantime, while I am still writing Part 2, I would love to hear from some of my readers. Please leave a comment so I know that someone is out there! It is strange sometimes to write for a faceless audience – I’d appreciate your comments!


Anonymous said...

I'm 'listening'! Just wanted to pop in and say "Hi!" Looking forward to "Part 2"!
Love you, Mom!

Prov. 31:12

Maggie Hall said...

Hey Mrs. Raub, I have been reading your blog, too. I haven't been lately though because I haven't had a chance to stop by the library for a while. I hope your meetings have gone well. Talk to you later, Buh-bye!

Mary Gorbet said...

Dearest Mrs.Lisa I just thought I'd let you know that I'm reading your blog articles also, You do a fantastic job!...Thank-you for having a "BIG" heart concerning how to raise your children right! You're a blessing!-Keep doing a very special job!-God be glorified! His Servant, Mary /CCBC