We are planning on leaving for our next ministry trip on May 9th, after a week of tent meetings and the church picnic. We’re planning on taking the bus to the church on the 8th, so that means we need to be in the bus by the 7th, since we’ll need to wrap up some last minute things here at home to prepare for being gone for 6 months or so.
It is coming up so fast! I have TONS of things to do, as I’m sure you can imagine. I should be making lists, lists, and more lists, if I can only get them started. Today I spent some time cleaning the bus, which I will do for the rest of the week. Next week we move in, hopefully piece by piece, and pull out the end of the week.
So, if you don’t hear from me until sometime after the 12th or so, you’ll know why!
*Please pray for us for the tent meetings, the strength to prepare for the trip, and for our first stop in stop in San Angelo on the 10th!
1 comment:
Dear Mrs. Raub,
Greetings from Shasta Baptist, Redding, CA. I’m not sure if you have received an email from me recently. The gospel tracts for the troops were just printed and we have them now!!! Can you please write me as soon as possible with your mailing address so I can send you one before you head off on your trip? In fact, we don’t have very many (Pastor ordered 500 at first to see how much interest there will be out there) but if you want a few dozen to take with you, as I know you know so many pastors near military bases, please just let me know and I’ll send what I can. Then, you and your husband can look them over and tell me what you think, if there would be an interest in them and if you think the Lord can use them. The only contact info I have for you is this blog and email; please do send me your mailing address as well as a phone number if that is okay. Thank you and may God bless you and your family. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely in Christ, Melanie Rhinehart
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